Wednesday, October 15, 2008

McCain's instructions for debate

Obama, McCain 3rd. debate.

McCain’s instructions for debate.

Do not move around as your gait shows your age.

Do not refer to Obama as “That One.”

Refer to Obama as Senator.

Look him in the eye, steady.

Drop the thumbs up nonsense.

Do not discuss the specifics of the surge in Baghdad as it may come out that our ‘victory’ consists of paying ‘protection money’ ($10 million a week) to the Sunnis not to attack us.

Do not dwell on Israel or the amount of American tax $s they get for nothing or an attack on Iran.

Mention Sen. Joe Lieberman at least 5 times to try and get the AIPAC vote.

Do not mention the AIPAC.

Do not mention gays.

On the economy say you have a plan for lower taxes, more jobs and job security, mortgage guarantees for home owners in trouble, backed up by Poulsons and his bag of taxpayers money.

Don’t mention fighting too much and only skim over your slaughter of civilians in Vietnam.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tell 'That One'

McCain is rascist, erratic, confused and a poseur who knows nothing about the economy.

McCain, while discussing an energy bill he opposed, pointed at Obama and referred to him as ‘that one.’

During the first debate McCain was unable to look Obama in the eye or call him by his first name.

He also knows nothing about the economy.

He wants more loans from China and to appoint Meg Whitman as Treasury secretary.

That same Meg Whitman, whose company on Monday announced plans to cut 10% of its workforce and reportedly suffered a 56% loss in the value of its shares over the past year.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

McCain...the pimp

He sends his woman out to do his dirty work, saying Obama is a terrorist side runner.

Men who send their women out for the dirty work are usually called pimps.

And pimps are always cowards.

McCain was a coward in Vietnam.

He told the Vietnamese broke him in 10 minutes.

He confesses to being a terrorist bomber and child killer.

He has been living on his wife for years in the end driving her to drugs.

And now the coward sends his childish woman out to gutter Obama.

It appears Bin Laden has won

Oct. 2: A leaked memo has revealed that British ambassador to Afghanistan, Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles, believes that the US-led Nato coalition in the war-torn nation is destined to fail, according to reports.
Sir Sherard is alleged to have made the damning remarks in a briefing with a French diplomat, which then was leaked by the French media. According to the leaks, the British diplomat believes the campaign against the Taliban would fail and that the best hope was to install an acceptable dictator in Kabul.
A memo was sent by the French embassy to President Nicolas Sarkozy’s office in Paris about the briefing and this memo was published by Le Canard Enchaîné, an investigative weekly in France.
"The American strategy is destined to fail. The coalition presence, particularly the military presence, is part of the problem, not the solution," Sir Sherard is quoted as saying. Sending more Nato troops to control the situation would have "a perverse effect." "It would identify us even more clearly as an occupying force and multiply the number of targets," he is quoted by the article. Claude Angeli, the Canard journalist, told the Times newspaper that he had a copy of the two-page decoded text, which was partly printed in facsimile in his newspaper. "It is quite explosive," he said. "What I did not say is that our French diplomats quite agree with the British." He also said that the French had been told that Britain aimed to withdraw its forces from Afghanistan by 2010.
However, the foreign office, according to the Guardian, said in statement: "It is not for us to comment on something that is presented as extracts from a French diplomatic telegram, but the views quoted are not in any way an accurate representation of the British government’s approach. We work closely with our US allies in all aspects of decision making and regularly review our approach."

Thursday, October 2, 2008

$700 billion for the clowns

Anyone who would give these clowns more money is an idiot.

Bush has handed $4 trillion in cash, tax breaks, waivers and public lands to his buddies at the corporations since he came to power.

If the corporations have not spent all the money on strippers and strip mining they should be easily able to give their old friend the $700 billion he says he needs since it was their actions that turned the American economy into Socialist fund for looting and polluting corporations.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bush wants your house

For his Wall Street friends.
The $700 billion he is looking for will not be enough and he will be back for more.
Even a small economy like Iteland could come up with $600 billion in one night.