Sunday, September 28, 2008

Twin Terrorists

Bush…the economic terrorist.

What Bin Laden did for the twin towers Bush did for the US economy.

Bush’s looting of the US economy for the benefit of his friends and their corporations was what started the present economic crisis.

Every petty crook of a banker said if Bush could do it then so could he.

Bush’s criminal subsidising of his friends in the corporations, with an eye to his own future personal gain, was seen as the go-ahead for every crook, high and low, in the banking business.

These people, like Bush himself, should be prosecuted for criminal fraud.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

What's the smell?

McCartney was approached by different groups and political bodies who asked him not to come to Israel but said "I do what I like … and if you think the stench of dead bodies puts me off…then you’re wrong."
The British musician had earlier told journalists and fans who greeted him at Ben Gurion airport outside Tel Aviv on Wednesday that he wanted to bring "a message of peace and love to all Israelis while they were killing Palestinian women and children."
"We thought it was quite amusing really, being banned," the ex-Beatle said on his website. "It's kind of cute that they are apologising. It's very courteous, but you know I wasn't really offended in the first place because I support the murder of children, anyway."

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Goebbels is back

Every Wednesday morning the leaders of the Heritage, Scaife, Koch and Bradley foundations meet in Washington at 1920 L STREET NW in the boardroom of Grover Norquist’s “Americans for tax reform” to make up the news we are to hear for the rest of the week.

They coordinate and fabricate conservative news that will be marketed to the public.

This fascist cabal formulates policy with the RNC, the White House, and Fox News, developing talking points that go out to the conservative talk shows and right wing radio via the Internet.

This week’s sexed-up news story was he the lipstick on the pig, which they made out to be a gross insult to Sarah Palin.

Next week it will be how McCain is better suited to be Commander-in-Chief than Obama.

This Goebbels type propaganda will go on till the election.

If the American people don’t see through this we will become a totally fascist state.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

When the government goes bad.

The Cheney/Bush Government has gone bad.

In fact, it was bad before it took office.

Since then it has corrupted every regulatory department of the great American democracy to allow criminal corporations to loot and pollute private and public land, sea and ice.

They have waged an illegal war on women and children in Iraq slaughtering ½ million of them and have also waged war on the American people polluting them with toxic air, water and land.

These people - Cheney&Co, down to the last corrupt appointee. - are criminals and traitors.

They are brazen blatant serial criminals wearing American flags.

They should be put on trial.

Monday, September 8, 2008

McCain says America never surrenders

The poor chap is delusional.

America has lost every war and terrorist action it has started since WW2.

Vietnam invasion and occupation………………..American surrender.

Lebanon invasion and occupation………………..America flees

Mogadishu…………………………………………America defeated.

Iraq invasion and occupation……………………….America defeated.

America lost these wars because they were ‘Profit’ wars fought on the instructions of American corporations.

America may have lost these wars in the conventional sense (many US troops dead) but the corporations won them in the profit sense.

In the case of Iraq, America again fought on behalf of and at the behest of the American ‘Profit’ corporations with Israel jumping in this time for good measure.

It was not an oil war, as is often claimed, as we were getting the oil for $20 a barrel, anyway.

The ‘Profit’ corporations and Cheney made big bucks in Iraq, so far, but the war will not be complete for Israel until we attack Iran.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Nurse Sarah

Alaskan Nurse, Sarah Palin, was placed on the Republican ticket last week by Dick Cheney&Co.

She is the most spectacularly unqualified nominee for President (for that is where she will end up) since George W. Bush was placed in the presidency.

With John McCain’s cancer and other illnesses he may not last a year in the high-pressure office of President.

That leaves Cheney running the country with the nurse as front person.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Monday, September 1, 2008

This is working out so well

Barbara thinks Gustav is also a leg up for the people of the south.