Wednesday, October 15, 2008
McCain's instructions for debate
Obama, McCain 3rd. debate.
McCain’s instructions for debate.
Do not move around as your gait shows your age.
Do not refer to Obama as “That One.”
Refer to Obama as Senator.
Look him in the eye, steady.
Drop the thumbs up nonsense.
Do not discuss the specifics of the surge in Baghdad as it may come out that our ‘victory’ consists of paying ‘protection money’ ($10 million a week) to the Sunnis not to attack us.
Do not dwell on Israel or the amount of American tax $s they get for nothing or an attack on Iran.
Mention Sen. Joe Lieberman at least 5 times to try and get the AIPAC vote.
Do not mention the AIPAC.
Do not mention gays.
On the economy say you have a plan for lower taxes, more jobs and job security, mortgage guarantees for home owners in trouble, backed up by Poulsons and his bag of taxpayers money.
Don’t mention fighting too much and only skim over your slaughter of civilians in Vietnam.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tell 'That One'
McCain is rascist, erratic, confused and a poseur who knows nothing about the economy.
McCain, while discussing an energy bill he opposed, pointed at Obama and referred to him as ‘that one.’
During the first debate McCain was unable to look Obama in the eye or call him by his first name.
He also knows nothing about the economy.
He wants more loans from China and to appoint Meg Whitman as Treasury secretary.
That same Meg Whitman, whose company on Monday announced plans to cut 10% of its workforce and reportedly suffered a 56% loss in the value of its shares over the past year.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
McCain...the pimp
He sends his woman out to do his dirty work, saying Obama is a terrorist side runner.
Men who send their women out for the dirty work are usually called pimps.
And pimps are always cowards.
McCain was a coward in Vietnam.
He told the Vietnamese broke him in 10 minutes.
He confesses to being a terrorist bomber and child killer.
He has been living on his wife for years in the end driving her to drugs.
And now the coward sends his childish woman out to gutter Obama.
It appears Bin Laden has won
Oct. 2: A leaked memo has revealed that British ambassador to Afghanistan, Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles, believes that the US-led Nato coalition in the war-torn nation is destined to fail, according to reports.
Sir Sherard is alleged to have made the damning remarks in a briefing with a French diplomat, which then was leaked by the French media. According to the leaks, the British diplomat believes the campaign against the Taliban would fail and that the best hope was to install an acceptable dictator in Kabul.
A memo was sent by the French embassy to President Nicolas Sarkozy’s office in Paris about the briefing and this memo was published by Le Canard Enchaîné, an investigative weekly in France.
"The American strategy is destined to fail. The coalition presence, particularly the military presence, is part of the problem, not the solution," Sir Sherard is quoted as saying. Sending more Nato troops to control the situation would have "a perverse effect." "It would identify us even more clearly as an occupying force and multiply the number of targets," he is quoted by the article. Claude Angeli, the Canard journalist, told the Times newspaper that he had a copy of the two-page decoded text, which was partly printed in facsimile in his newspaper. "It is quite explosive," he said. "What I did not say is that our French diplomats quite agree with the British." He also said that the French had been told that Britain aimed to withdraw its forces from Afghanistan by 2010.
However, the foreign office, according to the Guardian, said in statement: "It is not for us to comment on something that is presented as extracts from a French diplomatic telegram, but the views quoted are not in any way an accurate representation of the British government’s approach. We work closely with our US allies in all aspects of decision making and regularly review our approach."
Thursday, October 2, 2008
$700 billion for the clowns
Anyone who would give these clowns more money is an idiot.
Bush has handed $4 trillion in cash, tax breaks, waivers and public lands to his buddies at the corporations since he came to power.
If the corporations have not spent all the money on strippers and strip mining they should be easily able to give their old friend the $700 billion he says he needs since it was their actions that turned the American economy into Socialist fund for looting and polluting corporations.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Bush wants your house
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Twin Terrorists
What Bin Laden did for the twin towers Bush did for the US economy.
Bush’s looting of the US economy for the benefit of his friends and their corporations was what started the present economic crisis.
Every petty crook of a banker said if Bush could do it then so could he.
Bush’s criminal subsidising of his friends in the corporations, with an eye to his own future personal gain, was seen as the go-ahead for every crook, high and low, in the banking business.
These people, like Bush himself, should be prosecuted for criminal fraud.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
What's the smell?
McCartney was approached by different groups and political bodies who asked him not to come to Israel but said "I do what I like … and if you think the stench of dead bodies puts me off…then you’re wrong."
The British musician had earlier told journalists and fans who greeted him at Ben Gurion airport outside Tel Aviv on Wednesday that he wanted to bring "a message of peace and love to all Israelis while they were killing Palestinian women and children."
"We thought it was quite amusing really, being banned," the ex-Beatle said on his website. "It's kind of cute that they are apologising. It's very courteous, but you know I wasn't really offended in the first place because I support the murder of children, anyway."
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Goebbels is back
Every Wednesday morning the leaders of the Heritage, Scaife, Koch and Bradley foundations meet in Washington at 1920 L STREET NW in the boardroom of Grover Norquist’s “Americans for tax reform” to make up the news we are to hear for the rest of the week.
They coordinate and fabricate conservative news that will be marketed to the public.
This fascist cabal formulates policy with the RNC, the White House, and Fox News, developing talking points that go out to the conservative talk shows and right wing radio via the Internet.
This week’s sexed-up news story was he the lipstick on the pig, which they made out to be a gross insult to Sarah Palin.
Next week it will be how McCain is better suited to be Commander-in-Chief than Obama.
This Goebbels type propaganda will go on till the election.
If the American people don’t see through this we will become a totally fascist state.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
When the government goes bad.
The Cheney/Bush Government has gone bad.
In fact, it was bad before it took office.
Since then it has corrupted every regulatory department of the great American democracy to allow criminal corporations to loot and pollute private and public land, sea and ice.
They have waged an illegal war on women and children in Iraq slaughtering ½ million of them and have also waged war on the American people polluting them with toxic air, water and land.
These people - Cheney&Co, down to the last corrupt appointee. - are criminals and traitors.
They are brazen blatant serial criminals wearing American flags.
They should be put on trial.
Monday, September 8, 2008
McCain says America never surrenders
The poor chap is delusional.
America has lost every war and terrorist action it has started since WW2.
Vietnam invasion and occupation………………..American surrender.
Lebanon invasion and occupation………………..America flees
Mogadishu…………………………………………America defeated.
Iraq invasion and occupation……………………….America defeated.
America lost these wars because they were ‘Profit’ wars fought on the instructions of American corporations.
America may have lost these wars in the conventional sense (many US troops dead) but the corporations won them in the profit sense.
In the case of Iraq, America again fought on behalf of and at the behest of the American ‘Profit’ corporations with Israel jumping in this time for good measure.
It was not an oil war, as is often claimed, as we were getting the oil for $20 a barrel, anyway.
The ‘Profit’ corporations and Cheney made big bucks in Iraq, so far, but the war will not be complete for Israel until we attack Iran.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Nurse Sarah
Alaskan Nurse, Sarah Palin, was placed on the Republican ticket last week by Dick Cheney&Co.
She is the most spectacularly unqualified nominee for President (for that is where she will end up) since George W. Bush was placed in the presidency.
With John McCain’s cancer and other illnesses he may not last a year in the high-pressure office of President.
That leaves Cheney running the country with the nurse as front person.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Palin's $$ badge does not go down well
That, as well as her Past sympathy for Nazi lover Pat Buchanan.
The Israeli supporting American media will not be able to support Palin and McCain because of her past leanings.
Neither will Hillary’s women as they don’t like being patronized.
It all points to confusion in the fascist camp and an Obama win.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Cheney to stay on as President
Cheney to stay on as President.
If McCain wins.
Mc Cain will not last the first 4 years
And what then?
McCain is 72.
He has a history of cancer, heart trouble and the beginnings of Alzheimer’s.
Sarah Palin will take over.
She has served less than two years as governor of Alaska having been mayor of Wasilla — a small town near Anchorage.
She has no foreign policy experience whatsoever.
Cheney is the Putin of this mix.
Friday, August 29, 2008
It would have been better had he stayed a drunk
Bush allowed his crony corporations to destroy our country’s most central values.
He has organized 300 major rollbacks of badly needed US environmental laws.
He has destroyed our fresh air, clean water and given away our public lands.
He has manipulated and suppressed good scientific data when it got in the way of his crony corporations making a few dirty $s.
He has intimidated enforcement officials and civil servants who were only trying to do the right and legal duty.
He has the grimmest environmental record of any President.
He has attacked foreign countries and slaughtered countless women and children for our biggest “begging bowl” supposed ally.
He has made our name rubbish throughout the world.
It will take years to undo the damage he has caused.
It would have been better had he stayed a drunk.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Lofty words
She explained that she had been ordered by the AIPAC and Dennis Ross to rubbish Barack and send Hillary supporters off to vote for McCain.
When challenged about this potential betrayal of her political party, Lady de Rothschild said: "I love Israel more than my party."
She added that she would be looking for the candidate with "the least integrity and the minimum amount of courage – something like herself" and who had the "strongest compassion for the baby killers in Israel".
"Lofty words, questionable deeds – that what makes people like me," she said.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
McCain asked to apologize
Vietnamese plaintiffs have condemned a US court's decision to dismiss their legal action against manufacturers of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War.
"It is a wrong decision, unfair and irresponsible," said Nguyen Trong Nhan, vice president of Vietnam's Association of Agent Orange (VAVA).
He said his group was thinking of filing an appeal.
US District Judge Jack B Weinstein made the ruling.
But Mr Nguyen disagreed.
"Weinstein has turned a blind eye before the obvious truth. It's a shame for him to put out that decision. We just want justice, nothing more. "This is just another war that could be long and difficult, as was the Vietnam War. We are determined to pursue it until the very end, until the day we will be able to ask for justice," he said.
Former North Vietnamese solder Ngyuen Van Quy, who is being treated for liver and stomach cancer and whose two children are disabled, also said he would not give up his struggle for compensation.
"I'll fight, not just for myself, but for millions of Vietnamese victims. Those who produced these toxic chemicals must take responsibility for their action," he said.
Hillary elopes with McCain
Monday, August 25, 2008
The child killer
The child killer McCain says that if he dropped more bombs on the kids in Vietnam and he would have won the war.
McCain flew 23 bombing missions over North Vietnam in a campaign called Operation Rolling Thunder. During this bombing campaign, which lasted for almost 44 months, he reckons he slaughtered more than 300 children.
McCain dropped hundreds of bombs on homes, schools, and hospitals.
In the midst of the campaign, Defense Secretary Robert McNamara estimated that we were killing 1,000 civilians a week. That's more than one 9/11 every single month -- for 44 months.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
McCarthey to play for child killers
Sir Paul McCartney has announced his plans to go to Israel to perform for the killers of babies, next month. The celebrated rock star will build his stage on the dry bones of the dead Palestinian children. McCartney was scheduled to perform in Israel some 43 years ago with the Beatles, the legendary band of which he was a founding member.
But government officials banned them from appearing in Israel in 1965. They refused to grant the necessary permits, citing concerns that the tousled-haired British band and its strident, amplified music could corrupt the killing spirit of Israeli youth.
McCain's Alzheimer's is getting worse
ATLANTA - McCain will be hurt by his admission that he does not remember how many houses he owns, commentators said.
McCain’s idea of a home mortgage crisis is when his wife won’t buy him another house.
McCain is totally 'out of touch with his memory’.
' We want presidents who 'get' what the average American is dealing with."
The dispute arose on Wednesday when McCain was asked by the Politico newspaper how many houses he owns with his wife Cindy, a wealthy heiress to a beer distributorship.
"I think -- I'll have my staff get to you," McCain replied. "It's condominiums where -- I have Alzheimer’s disease – I’ll have them get to you."
Thursday, August 21, 2008
US bomb French
The deaths of civilians and militants in Afghanistan came days after the US airfirce bombed and killed 10 French soldiers in an area close to Laghman.
This is the biggest single loss of foreign forces in a "friendly fire" incident since the militants' removal from power in 2001.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who flew to the Afghan capital to pay respects to the dead soldiers, said French troops must stay on to fight for the Americans even if the Americans kill them all.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Sarkozy puts his troops in harms way
Nicolas Sarkozy made a brief visit to Afghanistan today following the French army's worst loss of life by enemy attack in a quarter of a century.
Sarkozy said he had no regrets about sending more troops to the region earlier this year, despite the political firestorm that has broken out in France since Monday's ambush.
"I have no doubt that we must be here. I am also in shock … but I tell you in good conscience that if I had to do it again, I would do it again," he said, according to AFP.
"Not the patrol and the sequence of events, but the choice which led me to confirm my glory and to send the French army here.
"Why are we here? It is because here I want to play with the big boys and Bush ordered me to send troops."
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Women to rule Middle East
She also wants an Israeli-Palestinian agreement - even a partial or watered-down one – to let women run Israel and the West Bank.
Olmert believes an agreement on this is still obtainable, and according to political sources close to the talks, the sides have taken off more of their clothes in recent weeks.
Tipsi back on the drink
Foreign Minister Tipsi Livni, who is conducting talks with the Palestinians' chief negotiator, Ahmed Qureia, is opposed to Israel's taking in any Palestinian refugees, and also refuses accepting them on the basis of family reunification.
Tipsi told U.S. President George W. Bush during his visit to Israel last January that allowing any refugees into Israel would set a dangerous precedent.
"It's like in a thriller, where you see the heroine open the door a crack and you know that the man with the knife is going to come in and stab her," Tipsi told Bush while in her cups.
In her opinion, Israel must not compromise on letting in refugees, because that would be interpreted as an “admission of guilt for all the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians since 1948."
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Gates gives away everything
The US, in an attempt to compensate Israel for the American failure to bomb Iran, offered to bolster Israel's defences against ballistic missiles.
Secretary of Defence, Gates, proposed stationing an advanced radar system in Israel.
He also said he would link Israel directly into America's early warning satellite network and move the Pentagon to Jerusalem. This was something Israel has been demanding for some time now, as it will allow them to manipulate the system to their own ends.
Gates also offered increased American funding for the development of two Israeli missile defence systems - the Arrow-3, an upgrade of Israel's existing Arrow system for intercepting ballistic missiles, and Iron Dome, a system designed to intercept short-range rockets.
In addition, Washington agreed to give Israel nine Super Hercules long-range transport aircraft to move troops from Tel Aviv to the West Bank.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Daddy, am i a good boy now?
"It is not what the world wants to see” Putin told Bush (Sr).
The battles that have moved to the enclave's capital have also sparked concerns regarding the pipelines which run through Georgia.
Bush (Sr) told Putin that he needed oil to be at $250 a barrel by September and this was the only way to do it short of attacking Iran which he was not allowed to do.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Bush signs pardon for Cheney
WASHINGTON — Federal investigators said Wednesday that they had found the men responsible for the "worst act of bio terrorism in U.S. history" and pointed to Dick Cheney and his henchmen.
Addington has drawn up a special pardon for Cheney and his men in the anthrax and related murder cases. Bush has signed it in secret.
This pardon is unique in that it is “self amending” without further reference to the President or Justice Department. It is also “Top Secret” and can not be referred to by the press or anyone else.
If, by chance, any new crime by Cheney or his men is uncovered it will automatically be covered by this pardon also.
A government scientist (Ivins) was suicided on the orders of Cheney to cover up the direct orders he got from Cheney’s men at the office of special intelligence to make the special batch of anthrax.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
History of 21st. century
Innovations in science, communications, technology and medicine allowed the world population to grow to 6 billion.
Too many people for the earth to sustain at the luxury level we live.
The innovations of the 20th century were not accompanied by an equal advance in human thinking.
We are still essentially cave men (with nuclear weapons) lighting as big a fire as we can and in the process polluting our world to the point of destruction.
Thus the 21st century will pay our debts and this will be the history of the 21st.century.
Can they do it?
Allready, 10 years into the 21st. century, our stone-age economic system is beginning to buckle and will collapse soon.
The growth of population to 9 billion people in the next 30 years would destroy the earth if it were allowed.
As the hunger and cold of the 21st.century begin to bite mad warlords will take over the world’s governments.
We will be fighting like a desperate rabble in the streets before the next decade is over.
Hunger, cold, famine, pestilance and plagues.
Thus ends the history of the 21st.century.
The few savages who survive will re-build , in time.
Let’s hope they learn from our disasterous mad dash for everything.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
All AIPAC members to be arrested
Charged and convicted with conspiracy against democracy.
And after a fair trial, deported to Israel for re-education.
The leadership of the AIPAC are to be held and water boarded at Gitmo.
The secret leadership and planners to be rendered to Iran for questioning.
The 50,000 core members of this fascist conspiracy are to be held in concentration camps built beside the AIPAC wall in The West Bank.
When their re-education is complete they will then be ordered to ethnically cleanse the West Bank of all Palestinians the same as was done in 1948 by the founders of Israel.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
AIPAC to be banned
AIPAC is like the Nazi party of 21st century.
It has seized power in America but rules with front men.
Under the Patriot Act its leadership could be arrested and shipped off to Gitmo.
All its members could be arrested, questioned (waterboarded) and banned from Government and other sensitive jobs.
They could be charged with:
1). Aiding a foreign and terrorist government in the internationally recognised and declared illegal acts of waging an illegal war of occupation, ethnic cleansing and genocide.
2). Conspiring to disrupt the peace and calm of America by threatening and subverting it’s public representatives.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Ross for jailhouse
Ross is urging the Bush administration not to leave office without a firm agreement — for anything from an outline of what they see their future state would look like to final status negotiations — from the Palestinians and Israelis; and strongly cautioned against leaving the incoming administration with freedom to act.
“If the next administration inherits a void, then it will force Israel to tear down the wall in the West Bank,” he said, adding, “If they inherit something, it will become much easier to keep the focus and keep the momentum (of no peace talks) going.”
Still, he warned, “whoever is the next president, he’ll inherit me and a really daunting legacy (in the Middle East).”
The biggest bind for the new administration, he said, is that the more concrete the plan that is passed on, the more the next administration will have to embrace it.
Currently, Ross is Counsellor of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a pro-Israel think tank, and chairman of a Jerusalem-based think tank, the Institute for Jewish People Policy Planning, funded and founded by the Jewish agency.
Obama, when asked why he hired Ross (“Change, Yes We Can”) said he needs to get one over on the AIPAC till he’ elected.
Then he’ll have Ross investigated as an unregistered agent of a foreign power and have him dragged off in handcuffs.
Jagger to form new band.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Shag him
As part of an overseas tour aimed at getting Israel’s permission to be President, Obama met Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak and right-wing opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu and begged them to let him have the job.
Netanyahu, a former prime minister, said Obama promised never to seek to damage Israel's security. Both men agreed on the "primacy" of preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear power.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Cowboy Sarkozy
BRIAN COWEN is putting pressure on Cowboy Sarkozy to defuse the potential diplomatic row caused by the French president’s refusal to hold a private meeting with opposition party leaders during his visit to Dublin tomorrow.
Irish officials have been urging their French counterparts to get Sarkozy off the horse and come to the Dail instead of Smithfield.
Gilmore refused an invitation to meet Sarkozy at Smithfield tomorrow when he discovered that he was expected to share a table with up to 16 different horse traders, with each traveller having three minutes to sing before the President responded the Marseillaise.
Kathy Sinnott, an independent Munster MEP who was also prominent in the No campaign, said: “I know that it was expressed by some of the Yes side that the last thing we need is Sarkozy riding into town. But I think we need to know exactly what we’re up against and no better man than Sarkozy to tell us.”
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Shag the bad boys
SYDNEY — Pope Benedict XVI offered a historic full apology for child sex abuse by predatory priests Saturday, saying he was "deeply sorry" and calling for those guilty of the "evil" to be punished.
The pope strayed from a prepared speech to express shame and make his first direct and explicit apology to victims of predatory clergymen in Australia, during a mass attended by local bishops, priests and novices.
His remarks in a homily in Sydney's St Mary's Cathedral were the strongest he has used in confronting the scourge which has rocked the Catholic church globally.
"Here I would like to pause to acknowledge the shame which we have all felt as a result of the sexual abuse of young by my clergy and religious in this country," Benedict told the gathering.
Diverting from the text of his prepared homily which had been made available to journalists a couple of hours earlier, the pontiff said: "I am deeply sorry for the pain and suffering the victims have endured and I assure them that, as their pastor, I too am guilty of this."
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Collins and Dev say "Yes"
French President Nicolas Sarkozy says Ireland will have to hold a second referendum on the new European Union treaty after rejecting it in a vote last month.
The French leader, whose country currently holds the rotating EU presidency, made his comments to a group of French lawmakers in Paris.Mr. Sarkozy visits Ireland Monday to review with that country's leaders possible steps in response to the June vote.
Sarkozy told Cowen that Collins and Dev would have wanted Ireland to be ruled by a French ruler.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
New Yorker gets Obama.
Remnick said that "the intent of the New Yorker cover was to set up Obama and his wife as terrorist supporters and to try and encourage rumours and misconceptions about the Obamas that have been invented by the AIPAC and are not as yet reflected in public opinion polls."
"What we set out to do was what we promised the AIPAC that we would do -throw all these images together, which are blatant propaganda and to shine a kind of harsh light on them. That’s part of what we do."About one out of 10 Americans continue to believe that Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, is a Muslim, and we want that percentage to increase to 5 in 10.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Capitalism’s final death throws.
Are finally upon us.
As with all systems, when they end, enormous chaos ensues.
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Property are over.
The Laissez faries will not be “let do” anymore.
From Feudalism through the rise of Industry and Capitalism (sweetened by a large dollop of colonialism) we grew fat and indolent and destroyed the Earth in the process.
Now is the time of reckoning.
When we get through the Nuclear winter:
1). Populations will be brought back to manageable levels.
2). Production will be strictly controlled.
3). Consumption and waste will be eliminated.
4). Government will be of the strongest for the strongest. (No change there, then).
Sarkozy to change his name
PARIS — The leaders of 43 nations from Europe, the Middle East and North Africa have launched a Union for the Mediterranean, a brainchild of French President Nicolas Sarkozy that is to be called The New Roman Empire.
Sarkozy's ambitious plan overlaps with European Union projects already in progress, and it was melded into EU efforts and expanded to include 27 members of the EU, not just those on the Mediterranean coast. Nearly all of the 43 nations sent a president or prime minister to the summit. Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi said Caesar was dead.
Sarkozy revelled at having brought his Empire together for the first time.
"We dreamed about a return to the Roman Empire, and now it is a reality," Sarkozy said in closing the summit in a palace abutting the River Seine. He called it an "extremely moving, very important moment."
To mark the occasion he decided to change his name to Caesar Sarkozy.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Emmiters, spitters and bullshiters.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper said the strength of the G8 statement was getting Russia and the United States - the two holdouts on long-term carbon cuts at last year's G8 summit - to change their tune this time around while China and India go their own way.
"This is the first time either of those countries have conceded the necessity of having a long-term, mandatory goal for reduction," he said in an interview.
"There's also now a firm recognition of all countries that to make these objectives effective, like we did with our aid to Africa, we have got to have mandatory participation by all major economies, by all major emitters, spitters and bullshitters."
YOU, reading this..........
Japanese scientists claim to have created the world's first artificial DNA, a development that brings DNA computing much closer.
In a paper in the 23 July issue of the Journal of the American Chemical Society Masahiko Inouye and colleagues at the University of Toyama claim to have successfully built a stable artificial DNA strand.
"The unique chemistry of these structures and their high stability offer unprecedented possibilities for developing new biotech materials and applications eventually including the development of thinking robots to replace humans," the researchers said.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Bono arrives at G8
The annual summit of the G8 industrialised nations has opened in Japan with the issue of aid for Africa taking centre-stage on the first day.
The G8, with Bono as publicity man, agreed at its 2005 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, to double aid to Africa to $25bn a year by 2010 as part of a wider drive to alleviate global poverty.
Bono and Geldoff told the protesters to go home as they had the matter in hand.
Now activists have accused the G8 countries of backtracking on those commitments.
UN and African Union figures indicate that less than $3bn of the peldged $25 has been forthcoming.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
The French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, will use a Paris summit next weekend to increase pressure on Ireland’s prime minister to impose some sort of fascist dicipline on his Irish peasants after their rejection of the Lisbon treaty.
Sarkozy is to travel to Dublin on July 21 to ram home the point in talks with Biffo.
The French strategy is aimed at isolating Ireland for their foolish belief in democracy.
Speaking in Paris last week, Sarkozy made it clear there would be no reworking of the document simply to get the Irish on board.
“There will be no treaty part III,” he said, indicating that the stupid Irish would be expected to hold another referendum and vote “Yes” this time or if not then the Irish Government must pass it through a parliamentary vote.
“If the perspective of a second vote in Ireland has been raised it is because we have used that con before and it worked,” Sarkozy told journalists, referring to Ireland’s second referendum on the Nice treaty in 2002. “We need some kind of vote to get out of the situation – in parliament or in a referendum, I don’t know. But when democratic society says ‘no’, you need not listen.”
Vaclav Klaus, the Czech president, has threatened to block the treaty pending the court’s verdict. He recently hit out at French efforts to put the treaty back on track and ignore Irish public opinion.
“I expect a lot of pressure to create a European Union à la France,” he said. “Our view is different and we must make an effort to ensure the EU does not develop in a fascist way with no respect for the law.”
Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands are expected to push it through – regardless of what their people think - with Poland, the Czech Republic and Ireland saying “No”.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
Heil Mitchell.
Gay Mitchell has questioned whether the Irish people should ever again be asked to adjudicate on complex European issues.
“They are just not up to it,” he said.
“Only a few delicate and advanced European minds, like his own, can comprehend that a concentration of power is vitally necessary for the future of a democratic Europe,” he said.
“The Irish paddies have no comprehension of this sort of thing, at all, and should not be allowed a vote on these complex matters,” he concluded.